Kia Forte: Special driving conditions / Smooth cornering, Driving at night

Kia Forte 2019-2024 (BD) Owners Manual / Driving your vehicle / Special driving conditions / Smooth cornering, Driving at night

Smooth cornering

Avoid braking or gear changing in corners, especially when roads are wet. Ideally, corners should always be taken under gentle acceleration. If you follow these suggestions, tire wear will be held to a minimum.

Driving at night

Because night driving presents more hazards than driving in the daylight, here are some important tips to remember:

Rocking the vehicle
If it is necessary to rock the vehicle to free it from snow, sand, or mud, first turn the steering wheel right and left to clear the area around your front wheels. Then, shift back and forth ...

Driving in the rain
Rain and wet roads can make driving dangerous, especially if you’re not prepared for the slick pavement. Here are a few things to consider when driving in the rain: A heavy rainfall wi ...

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